Online Shopping and Coupon Codes

I forget where I read this great tidbit on the Net, but I’m going to pass it along. I don’t do a lot of online shopping, but when I do, it’s almost always at Neiman Marcus. They send me great sale e-mails with deep discounts. I bought three fabulous designer dresses for $320.00 total. The original prices on these added up to $1,800.00. But what’s so cool is they also e-mail me “product codes” to use as discounts or free shipping.

I read that those boxes on websites that say “promo code” aren’t there just to look pretty–but almost at any time, you can Google a useable code to get a discount on that website. So today I’m looking at buying something on Frontgate. I did a Google search on it–sure enough, got a promo code for FREE shipping. I recently bought my daughter bedding on Macy’s. We’d been waiting for a sale and this was her Christmas gift. I found the product code WHITE and not only did I get free shipping, but an extra 10% off!

So happy post-holiday shopping and SAVE money! I love a bargain!!!

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